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Access: (downloaded 17-10-2017)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:后宮私密生活知多少中國古代十大男寵(圖) / 北京 北大 方正 電子 有限 公司
Hou-kung ssu-mi sheng-huo chih tuo-shao chung-kuo ku-tai shih ta nan ch'ung (t'u) / Pei-ching pei-ta fang-cheng tien-tzu yu-hsien kung-ssu 北京 北大 方正 電子 有限 公司 (05 Aug. 2005)
Orig. URL:
Description:57 html, 14 jpg, 3 doc files (5.56 MB)
Corp. body:北京 北大 方正 電子 有限 公司
Pei-ching pei-ta fang-cheng tien-tzu yu-hsien kung-ssu
Subjects:Homosexuality - China
Chinese literature - 21st century
Sex customs - China - History
Culture - China

Access: (downloaded 04-04-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:環球時報:中國需要多少枚核彈才夠 / 新浪 評論
Huan-ch'iu shih-pao: chung-kuo hsü-yao tuo-shao mei ho-tan ts'ai kou / Hsin-lang p'ing-lun 新浪 評論 (18 Dec. 2014)
Orig. URL:
Description:6 css, 15 gif, 13 html, 17 js, 4 jpg, 59 png files (1.18 MB)
Corp. body:新浪 網
Hsin-lang wang
Subjects:Nuclear weapons - China
Nuclear arms control - China
Military - China
Military doctrine - China

Access: (downloaded 30-01-2016)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:特朗普指中國對朝懲罰不夠,外交部:捫心自問,他們做了多少 / 澎湃 新聞
T'e-lang-p'u chih chung-kuo tui ch'ao ch'eng-fa pu-kou, wai-chiao pu: men-hsin tzu-wen, t'a-men tso-le tuo-shao / P'eng-p'ai hsin-wen 澎湃 新聞 (07 Jan. 2016)
Orig. URL:
Description:8 html, 3 jpg files (252 KB)
Corp. body:澎湃 新聞
P'eng-p'ai hsin-wen
Subjects:China - Foreign relations - Korea (north)
China - Foreign relations - United States of America
China - Foreign economic relations - Korea (north)
Trump, Donald John, 1946-

Access: (downloaded 19-11-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:曹長青  Ts'ao Ch'ang-ch'ing
Title:六四到底死了多少人? : 全球記者們的失職 / 曹長青
Liu-ssu tao-ti ssu le tuo-shao ren? : Ch'üan-ch'iu chi-che men shih chih / Ts'ao Ch'ang-ch'ing
Source:Po-hsün 博迅 (5 June 2003)
Description:1 HTML, 11 GIF files (41 KB)
Subjects:China - History - Tiananmen Square Incident, 1989
Press - China

Access: (downloaded 16-04-2014)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:兔子山遺址還臧著多少秘密? / 新華 網
T'u-tzu shan i-chih hai tsang che tuo-shao mi-mi? / Hsin-hua wang 新華 網 (23 Jul. 2013)
Orig. URL:
Description:1 css, 4 html, 5 gif, 12 jpeg, 6 js, 2 png files (944 KB)
Collections:Dachs - Tuzishan
Corp. body:新華 社
Hsin-hua she
Manuscripts, Chinese - China - Hunan Sheng
Archaeological sites - China - Hunan Sheng
Ruins - China - Hunan Sheng

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