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Access: (downloaded 09-12-2005)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Vatikiotis, Michael
Title:In Asia's Chinese diaspora, are loyalities divided? / Michael Vatikiotis
Source:The International Herald Tribune (24 Aug. 2005)
Description:1 HTML, 2 CSS, 5 JScript, 31 GIF files (149 KB)
Chinese diaspora - Asia

Access: (downloaded 25-08-2007)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Vatikiotis, Michael
Title:Can China remain friends with tyrants? / Michael Vatikiotis (10 Nov. 2006)
Description:1 html, 1 css files (26,1 KB)
Bib. note:Orig. publ.: The Straits Times, 10 Nov. 2006
Subjects:International relations
China - Foreign relations
Foreign policy - China

Access: (downloaded 19-01-2006)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Vatikiotis, Michael
Title:The soft power of 'Happy Chinese' / Michael Vatikiotis International Herald Tribune (18 Jan. 2006)
Description:1 HTML, 3 GIF, 2 JS, 1 C, 1 noname files (66,2 KB)

Access: (downloaded 19-11-2003)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Author:Dean, Jason
Title:Politics first, the economy second / by Jason Dean and Michael Vatikiotis
Source:Far Eastern Economic Review (31 July 2003)
Description:2 HTML, 7 GIF, 1 JPEG, 1 JScript files (145 KB)
Summary:Chen Shui-bian has long been defiant towards China, and with a re-election bid in store that's not going to change. His opponents and many in business who want closer ties with the mainland are saying that Chen has focused on politics only at the economy's expense.
Related names:Vatikiotis, Michael
Subjects:Taiwan - Relations - China
Taiwan - History - Autonomy and independence movements
Taiwan - Economic relations - China
Ch'en, Shui-pien, 1951-

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