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Access: (downloaded 19-11-2013)
(part of the Digital Archive for Chinese Studies - to gain access please refer to!)
Material:Computer file
Title:轉發中公中央辦公廳國務院辦公廳關于印發"當政機關公文處理工作條例"的通知 / 中國台洲
Chuan-fa chung-kung chung-yang pan-kung-t'ing kuowu-yuan pan-kung-t'ing kuan-yü yin-fa "tang-cheng chi-kuan kung-wen ch'u-li kung-tsuo tiao-li" te t'ung-chih / Chung-guo t'ai-chou 台洲市人民政府 (16 Apr. 2012)
Orig. URL:
Description:18 gif files, 2 htm files, 8 jpg files, 1 js file (660 Kb)
Corp. body:中國台洲
Chung-kuo t'ai-chou
Subjects:Official publications
Chung-kuo kung-ch'an-tang
China - Politics and government

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