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You searched Index 3: Subject Headings for "translating and interpreting"

     2  translating and interpreting
    25  translation
     4  translation of
     1  translation of 5/28 southern weekend article
     1  translation of a chinese mathematical collection of the seco
     1  translation of bao tong's criticism of jiang zemin's 'three
     1  translation of chapter 11: the state military system
     1  translation of jiao guobiao's essay / jiao guobiao
     1  translation of the filtered key words in chinese cyberspace
     1  translation pushes
     2  translation)
     1  translation-big-brother-is-watching-big-brother
     1  translation-how-public-security-databases-sort-chinas-citizens
     1  translation-li-zuojun-_25e6_259d_258e_25e4_25bd_2590_25e5_2586_259b-interview-with-sanlian-life-week
     1  translation-one-doctor-put-scalpel
     1  translation-speaking-zhang-yunfan
     3  translation:
     1  translation: big
     1  translation: big brother is watching big brother
     1  translation: speaking
     1  translation: speaking of zhang yunfan.
     1  translation: why
     1  translation: why one doctor put down the scalpel
     2  translation]
     1  translation] tsinghua
    21  translations
     2  translations of
     1  translations of 8 history texts posted on the web
     1  translations of history textbooks used in japan's middle sch
     1  translations of japanese laws and regulations

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University of Heidelberg, Germany
Data last updated: 04.03.2021
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