Exchange Rates
The Universal Currency Converter (Xenon Laboratories Incorporated) ( Language: Available in English or Swedish. Description: Self description: "Our conversion rates are currently those that The Bank of Montreal's Treasury Group prepares for Canada's National Newspaper, The Globe and Mail. These are mid-market rates for large value transactions, not retail buy/sell rates. You will find these rates published in the Globe's Business Section. Our precious metals data comes from Handy & Harman's New York fix." Type in the amount and choose the currency you want to convert, click on the currency you want to convert into, and go! Added/revised on 25.03.1998 (HL)
- ChinaVista Business Reference Desk
( Language: English. Description: Offers Financial Data of the day (Stock Closings: Shanghai, Hang Sen, Taipei; Exchange Rates US$ - RMB, HK$, NT$, Yen); News Watcher; Top China Business Links.
General Information
East Asia
- Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation: APEC Secretariat
( Founded in 1989, APEC has since "become the primary regional vehicle for promoting open trade and practical economic cooperation." It includes all the major economies of the region, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, the US, and others. The site contains: Introduction to APEC; Member Economies; Latest Updates on APEC (New Announcements, Press Advisory/Press Release, Calendar of APEC Activities); APEC Advisory Groups (ABAC, EPG, PBF); Publications & Related Web Sites; APEC Secretariat; Economic Leaders' Declarations; Government Procurement; Joint Statements of Ministerial Meetings; and more.
- The Asian Development Bank (Tha Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines)
( Language: English. Self description: "The adoption of poverty reduction as a strategy gave primacy to ADB's fight against poverty. ADB continues to carry out activities to promote economic growth, develop human resources, improve the status of women, and protect the environment, but these strategic development objectives now serve its poverty reduction agenda. Its other key development objectives, such as law and policy reform, regional cooperation, private-sector development, and social development, also contribute significantly to this main goal." Description: This site gives an overview on the work of the ADB and its member countries. Papers on specific topics are downloadable as PDF files. Site contents: (1) News and events; (2) Business center; (3) Country operations; (4) Project activities; (5) Development topics; (6) Economics and statistics; (7) Financial management; (7) Publications. Note: Acrobate Reader for downloading PDF files needed! Resource suggested by Patricia Schetelig, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Added 18 Aug 2000 (HL)
Asia Crisis Homepage (Nouriel Roubini, Stern School of Business, New York University, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Supplied note: "Dr. Nouriel Roubini, Associate Professor of Economics and International Business at the Stern School of Business of the New York University, maintains an extensive homepage on the Asian economic crisis, as a part of his MBA Macroeconomics Course Page. It is one of the most extensive and comprehensive collection of data, analyses and hyperlinks on the subject." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor, 26 Jan 1998). Site contents: (1) Basic Readings and References on the Causes of the Crisis; (2) Global Effects, Regional and Systemic Contagion Analyses; (3) Country Analyses (Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Japan); (4) The Debate on the Role of the IMF in the Crisis; (5) Will the Crisis Spread to Other Regions of the World?; (6) The Role of Financial Fragility and Systemic Risk; (7) Other Episodes of Fixed Exchange Rate Collapse in the 1990s; (8) The Debate on Fixed versus Flexible Exchange Rate; (9) Sources of Official Data and Reports; (10) News Sources." Added/revised on 31.01.1998 (HL)
Mining for Links: The Asian Currency Crisis (The Mining Company, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Self-description: "Sources of [online - ed.] information and analysis on the causes and consequences of the crisis as well as analysis of the International Monetary Fund's policy response." Site contents: Causes (non technical links, research oriented links); Consequences; IMF Response (other critiques links, defense links); Crisis hotline - where to stay in touch. The annotated guide was collated on 20 Jan 98. (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Mar. 1998) Added/revised on 03.05.1998 (HL)
- The Asian Economic Crisis: Policy Choices, Social Consequences and the Philippine Case (Asia Society, New York, USA)
( Language: English. Self description: "The most recent Asian Update [...] discusses inter alia the impact of the Asian economic crisis on future policy options in Asia and attempts by individual governments to deal with the crisis." Description: Includes subchapters on - among others - Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and China, and a bibliography. Resource suggested by Nermeen Shaikh (, Asia Society, USA. Added/revised on 01. Mar. 1999 (HL)
- The East Asian Financial Crises: An Analytical Survey (Pablo Bustelo, Complutense Institute for International Studies, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain 1998)
( Language: English. Description: An article (1998) by Pablo Bustelo, Associate Professor of Applied Economics, Chief-researcher in Asian Studies, Complutense Institute for International Studies, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. "Keywords: Asian financial crisis, capital flight, currency crises, economic growth, financial liberalization, financial policy, foreign debt, IMF, and macroeconomic fundamentals." Document contents: Introduction; 1. The Economic Background; 2. The Onset and Development of the Financial Crises; 3. Competing Explanations; 4. A Critical View of the IMF Remedies; 5. Theoretical Implications; 6. The Impact on the World Economy; Conclusions; References; Statistical Appendix. (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Nov. 19, 1998). Note: 239Kb, downloadable document in PDF format, 38 pages. Information supplied by Pablo Bustelo ( Added 19 Nov 1998 (HL), last revised 27 Nov 2002 (AST).
BizLinX (, Germany) ( Language: German and English. Description: This site contains a very good collection of links to economical, political and country information on the PR China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other countries. Added/revised on 30.01.1998 (HL)
Asia Oriental (Faculty of Economics and Management, Technical Univ. of Lisbon, Portugal) ( Language: Portuguese. Description: "An economic bulletin in Portuguese. It includes analysis of the economic situation (mainly short term) in China, Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. It includes also some hints about business opportunities in Asia. This publications is aimed to reach mainly the Portuguese speaking business community (Portugal, Brazil, etc.), the public administration of these countries and also (last not least...) the Portuguese speaking academic community." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Aug. 1997) Last revised 27 Nov 2002 (AST).
- Statistical Data Locator
( Language: English. Description: Links to sources with statistical material (economy & trade, demography, etc.) on China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and many other Asian and non-Asian countries. Last revised 25 Nov 2002 (AST).
Asia & Argentina (Gustavo Alejandro Girado, Asia & Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina) ( Language: Spanish. Supplied note: "[... A] non-commercial, open project, where you will find an important Virtual Library exclusively dedicated to the bilateral trade, political and institutional relationship between Argentina and Australasia's economies, as well as varied concepts of the reciprocal outlooks including the official, private and mixed activities of these economies in our country, among another useful information." Site contents: (1) Library (contains articles on Economy and Politics in Asian countries); (2) Official representations; (3) Chambers; (4) Events; (5) Authors (of Asia & Argentina contributions); (6) Contact; (7) Help. Note: Contains material in PDF format. Frames capable browser needed! Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (03 Jan 2001) by Gustavo Alejandro Girado, Asia & Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Added 14 Jan 2001 (HL)
Country Briefings: China (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A must visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) China home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces (Government bodies; Main political fitures; etc.) ; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Chinese Business and Economy
( Dynamics of the contemporary Chinese business and economic environment since the late 1970s. Course materials are restricted to Melbourne Univ. only, but top level pages have free access.
- China: From Isolation to a Regional Superpower Status (Yolanda Fernandez Lommen and Mr. Plamen Tonchev, Institute for International Economic Relations (IIER), Athens, Greece 1998)
( Language: English. Description: Supplied note: "The Institute ( [...] has published the study 'China: From Isolation to a Regional Superpower Status' by Ms. Yolanda Fernandez Lommen and Mr. Plamen Tonchev. Ms. Fernandez is the Head of the Asian Studies Unit of the Royal Spanish Centre of International Relations (CERI) in Madrid. Mr. Tonchev is an associate researcher at IIER." Document contents: 1. Introduction; 2. The Economic and Political Context of the Wider Area; 3. China from Within; 4. China's Presence in East and Southeast Asia; 5. China's Future Prospects in the Region; 6. Conclusions; References. (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Nov. 19, 1998). Note: 147K, downloadable MS Word document, 42 pages. Information supplied by Plamen Tonchev ( Added/revised on 19.11.1998 (HL)
Chinese Economic Information Network (Chinese State Information Center) ( Language: Chinese (GB). Description: Provides information on current economic trends, important laws and regulations, etc. Note: Some parts require registration and are not free. Added/revised on 30.01.1998 (HL)
The China project - China's economy: online research (The Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "We have created a library of links for all the best academic research on China's economic reforms available on the web." Site contents: (1) Agricultural Sector; (2) Education and Training; (3) Employment, Migration and Social Inequalities; (4) Environment; (5) Foreign Investment; (6) Growth, Fiscal and Monetary Policy; (7) Health and Healthcare; (8) Industries; (9) Intellectual Property; (10) Introduction to Economic Reform in China; (11) Politics and Military; (12) Regional Development; (13) Social Welfare and Pensions; (14) The Financial Sector; (15) The Industrial Sector; (16) The Private Sector; (17) The Rural Sector; (18) Trade. Resource suggested by Thomas Kampen, Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg Univerisity, Heidelberg, Germany. Added 29 Sep 2004 (HL)
- United States-China Business Council
( Language: English. Description: Self description: "The United States-China Business Council is the principal organization of US companies engaged in trade and investment in the People's Republic of China. Founded in 1973, the Council serves more than 300 corporate members through offices in Washington, DC, Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong." Site contents: (1) Current economic, trade, and investment statistics; (2) Business Advisory Services; (3) Programs and meetings; (5) The China Business Review; (6) Special Council reports; (7) The China Market Intelligence; (8) Policy Advocacy. Added/revised on 21.02.1999 (HL)
CBnet Business Database (China Daily, Beijing, China) ( Language: English. Description: Articles of the China Daily broken up into the following sections: Macroeconomic News & Index; Banking & Finance; Laws, Regulations & Policies; Securities & Prices; Political & Current Events; Tender & Investment Opportunities; Foreign & Domestic Trade; Shanghai/Special Economic Zones; Labour, Population & Demographics; Environment; Transportation; Agriculture & Food; Automotive; Aviation & Space; Chemicals & Medicines; Construction & Real Estate; Electronics; Energy; Machinery; Mining & Metallurgy; Post & Telecommunication; Light Industry & Textiles; Weekly Analysis; Other. Note: Registration necessary! You will have a 30-day free trial. After the trial, you will be billed for an annual subscription fee of US$300. Added 7 Aug 1999 (HL), last revised 25 Nov 2002 (AST).
Internet Chinese Legal Research Center (Wei Luo, Washington University School of Law Library, St. Louis, Missouri, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "This site intends to provide links to Chinese (Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong) legal resources on the Internet, legal research guides and other information related to Chinese legal research." Description: Maintained since 1996 by Wei Luo 羅偉, Associate Law Librarian and Director of Technical Services, Washington University School of Law Library, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. The section on China is still frequently updated and very useful, the Taiwan section has been last modified in 1997. Site contents: A. Mainland China: (1) Legal Resources on the Internet with annotations and links; News Resources on the Internet with annotations and links; (2) A Strategy to Start Searching or Update the Laws of the People's Republic of China (written by Wei Luo); (3) A List of Chinese Law Courses/Seminars Offered in North American Law Schools; (4) A List of Summer Chinese Law Study Programs Sponsored by American Institutes and Hosted by Chinese or Hong Kong Law Schools; B. Taiwan: (1) Government and Legal Resources on the Internet; (2) Constitution and Guidelines for National Unification in Full Text; (3) Background Information and News Resources on the Internet; C. Hong Kong: (1) Legal Resources on the Internet; (2) Government Resources on the Internet; (3) Background Information and News Resources on the Internet. Thanks to Daniel Shapiro for updating information. Added 23 Jun 1998, last revised 07 Jun 2001 (HL)
- China Business Vista
( Useful business information site in English or Chinese (Big5 and GB). Contains the following topics: (1) Business News (including Stocks Summary); (2) China Business Reference Desk (including a good list of relevant links); (3) China Conference Central (latest information on fairs, exhibitions, conferences, and expos throughout the country); (4) Featured Products and Services; and (5) "Wanted to Buy" Bulletin Board (where you can post your need of suppliers of Chinese products or services etc.).
- InfoChina Dynamic Decisions, Inc.
( Offers free recent market statistics on the following topics: Macro Indicators; Household Survey; Trade Panel; Import Market; Market Watch; Money - Banking; Industrial Outputs; Hot Invest. Spots; and Energy Top 10. Other services (InfoChina/Tariff, a China tariff information system, and China Monthly Statistics) are offered as CD-Roms.
- Asian Trade & Business Database
( Besides a guide to companies and products this site offers a business guide, country directories, trade shows, a PR news watch, and more.
- Asia Information Associates Ltd (Hong Kong)
( The company, an affiliate of the international law firm Baker & McKenzie Hong Kong, provides solutions to the special information needs of in-house counsel and other professional managers, particularly in relation to China, Hong Kong and Vietnam. Site contents: Research; Conferences; Publications; Information Services; Special Reports. Last revised 27 Nov 2002 (AST).
Alliance-China Job Search (Beijing, China) ( Language: English. Description: If you are looking for a job in China, this is a place where you can look. This site also includes a part for people in the Human Resources industry to discuss relevant issues. Added/revised on 28.10.1997
- China in the WTO: The Debate (James H. Nolt, Foreign Policy in Focus 4.38 [Dec. 1999])
( Language: English. Self description: "Editors' Note: [...] We recognize the controversial character of this policy brief, particularly for labor and "fair trade" advocates in the U.S., and we are including an accompanying page that briefly presents some dissenting voices. We solicit comments and critiques, which will be posted on our website." Description: This site offers one view concerning the China WTO membership question. It also includes links to other websites dealing with related policy issues. Site contents: (1) Key points; (2) Problems with current U.S. Policy; (3) Toward a new foreign policy; (4) Sources for more information; (5) Dissenting voices within the United States. Resource suggested by Interhemispheric Resource Center via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (15 Dec 1999). Added 25 Aug 2000 (HL)
- See also the East Asia section above.
Country Briefings: Taiwan (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A must visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Taiwan home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces (Parties; Main political fitures; etc.) ; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
See also the East Asia section above.
Hong Kong
Country Briefings: Hong Kong (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A good visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Hong Kong home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
- Asia Information Associates Ltd (Hong Kong)
( The company, an affiliate of the international law firm Baker & McKenzie Hong Kong, provides solutions to the special information needs of in-house counsel and other professional managers, particularly in relation to China, Hong Kong and Vietnam. Site contents: Research; Conferences; Publications; Information Services; Special Reports.
- See also the East Asia section above.
- See also the East Asia section above.
Country Briefings: Singapore (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A good visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Singapore home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
- The Singapore Phone Book on Internet
( Language: English. Note: Registration necessary, but the service is free of charge.
Singapore - The Economy (Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Edited by Barbara Leitch Lepoer in Dec. 1987, this site is part of the the Library of Congress Country Studies: Singapore. The survey includes the following subchapters: (1) Patterns of Development; (2) Economic Roles of the Government (Budgeting and Planning; Economic Boards; Land Management and Development; Forced Savings and Capital Formation; State-Owned Enterprises; Public Utilities; Policies for the Future; Privatization); (3) Manpower and Labor (Industrial Relations and Labor Unions; Wage Policies; Foreign Labor; Manpower Training); (4) Industry (Industrialization Policy; Information Technology; Petroleum); (5) Trade, Tourism, and Telecommunications (Foreign Trade; Trading Partners; Tourism; Telecommunications); (6) Finance (Currency, Trade, and Investment Regulation; Financial Center Development; International Financial Organizations); (7) Transportation (Sea; Land; Air); (8) Agriculture. Added/revised on 06.12.1997
- Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI)
( "The Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) is charged with the mission to promote strong and sustainable economic growth. It is directly responsible for the development of a competitive high value-add manufacturing sector in Singapore. It manages Singapore's trade policy with an emphasis on strengthening the global multilateral free-trade regime. It is also responsible for promoting Singapore's competitiveness as a major business hub and an attractive tourist destination. It monitors the economy and manages the Government's economic policies." The site contains the following topics: About MTI; About the Singapore Economy; About Singapore's Economic Management; About Singapore's Economic Management Since the 1960s; About Singapore's Regionalisation Strategy; About Singapore's Key Economic Data; About MTI's Press Releases, Speeches and Announcements; About MTI's Publications; Careers in MTI; Alpha Society Newsletter. Last revised 27 Nov 2002 (AST).
 Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) ( Language: English. Description: "The Economic Development Board (EDB) has the responsibility of industrial planning, development and promotion of investments in manufacturing and services as well as upgrading local business capabilities. A statutory board under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, its efforts for more than three decades have resulted in the transformation of Singapore's economic landscape from that of a trading nation to a global manufacturing and business centre for more than 3,000 international companies."
 Singapore Trade Development Board (TDB) ( Language: English. Description: "TDB's mission is to develop Singapore as a premier international trading hub by promoting Singapore's goods and services overseas, pioneering entry into new markets, attracting international traders to base in Singapore and advancing the nation's external trade interests, with the purpose of increasing Singapore's prosperity through trade expansion." Table of contents: TDB Corporate Information; Singapore Business Focus; International Business Focus; Trade Information Services; What's Happening; Business Information Locator.
- Singapore Statistics (NCB, Singapore)
( Contents: Department of Statistics, Press Releases on S'pore Economy, Singapore Business Directory (New), Statistical Publications, S'pore Key Statistics, Data Dissemination Standards (New), International Stats Navigator, What's New.
 Singapore in Brief, 1995 ( Language: English. Description: Statistical data of the years 1993 to 1995 about: Gross Domestic Product; Gross Fixed Capital Formation; Employment, Productivity & Inflation; Manufacturing; External Trade; Commerce & Tourism; Transport & Communications; Finance; Balance of Payments; Government Finance; Exchange Rates; Standard of Living Indicators; Education; General.
- See also the East Asia section above.
Risk Information
- Political and Economic Risk Consultancy, Ltd. (PERC)
( Very well-done (according to Far Eastern Economic Review) country risk reports and major economic indicators on China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other Asian countries.
- East Asia Analytical Unit (EAAU), Dpt. of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
( "Located within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the unit undertakes and commissions studies into important medium to long-term economic and political developments and issues within the region. It draws on a wide range of data and information sources, including reports from Australia's diplomatic and trade missions in Asia. Reports and working papers produced by the Unit are intended to assist analysts and decision makers in the Australian Government, business and academic community." This site contains a publication list and a list on forthcoming titles, both including abstracts of the respective titles. Information on how to purchase the reports is given, though no online ordering is possible. Last revised 27 Nov 2002 (AST).
Business News Media
- Global Business Centre: Chinese (journals) (Global Reach, San Francisco, CA, USA)
( Language: English. Description: Lists the most important periodicals for business in the PRC, Taiwan and Hongkong. Links also to some other Chinese sites maintained by Global Research: Business, Indexes, Journals and Travel. Added/revised on 09 Jun 1999 (HL)
Taiwan Business News Scan (Pristine Communications, Taiwan) ( Language: English. Supplied note: "This [online archive and] database [...] provides access to English news summaries on government policies, legislation, finance, China-Taiwan economic and business developments, industry player activities and consumer attitudes - all from a local media perspective." Description: Includes a very useful Chinese-English-Pinyin Online Lexicon (Chinese characters in Big5) currently containing some 120,000 entries, the content of which comes from Chinese-English dictionaries in the public domain and specialized glossaries and industry-specific dictionaries developed in-house by Pristine Communications. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (01 Apr 1999) by Tammy Turner ( and Steve Leibo ( Added 24 Apr 1999 (HL), last revised 27 Nov 2002 (AST).
- Far Eastern Economic Review
( One of the most important weekly journals on Asia has gone online! Unfortunately you have to register first by giving them detailed personal data, which does not mean that you have to pay for anything, but you have to agree that your data may be provided in form of aggregate statistical information to potential advertisers.
- Asiaweek online
( An important periodical on Asian politics, society and business affairs is also available online. No costs, no registration necessary.
- The Nineties Monthly (九 十 年 代)
( The famous weekly from Hong Kong on "China, Taiwan, Hong Kong affairs. Reports and indepth analysis on Culture, Politics, Economy."
- Asian Business
( An online edition of a major Southeast Asian magazine aimed at qualified senior executives throughout the region. This monthly, est. 1965, provides authoritative, up-to-date coverage of Asian business affairs. The web site offers full-text articles from AsiaTech, Business Watch, Corporate View and Dateline Asia. Articles of earlier editions are also included. Last revised 28 Nov 2002 (AST).
- The South China Morning Post Internet Edition
( Hong Kong's leading English language newspaper, the South China Morning Post, is online. Emphasis is laid on Hong Kong, China (incl. Taiwan), and other Asian countries.
China Daily Business Weekly (China Daily, Beijing, China) ( Language: English. Description: Fulltext articles available, no restriction, and a searchable archive. This paper is part of China Daily, the official English language newspaper of the PR China. Added/revised on 31.01.1998 (HL)
China News Services 中 國 新 聞 社 (CNS) and H.K. China News Agency 香 港 中 國 通 訊 社 ( Language: Chinese (Big5) and English (English news differ in content and number, provided with a lag of about 10 to 30 days). Description: Two news agencies that cover a wide range of primarily business news, but the latest two days are not available on-line. Archive goes three months into the past (not searchable). Added/revised on 31.01.1998 (HL)
- Asia, Inc. Online
( Online business magazine on Asia.
- Singapore Business Times
( The Singapore Business Times with business news on all of Asia. Last revised 28 Nov 2002 (AST).
- TCFA Update - Economic an Financial News about China
( A weekly newsletter published by the U.S-based Chinese Finance Association.
- HK 1997 - Business Issues
( Articles in English on key business issues and events in HK, provided by the South China Morning Post. Last revised 28 Nov 2002 (AST).
Stocks Reports
- ChinaVista Business Reference Desk
( Language: English. Description: Offers Financial Data of the day (Stock Closings: Shanghai, Hang Sen, Taipei; Exchange Rates US$ - RMB, HK$, NT$, Yen); News Watcher; Top China Business Links.
- Hong Kong Stocks Report
( This site is maintained by InTechTra, HK, and is a very good place to get in-depth business information about Hong Kong.
Company Databases
- Asian Trade & Business Database
( This is "a dynamic database of Asian trade and business information covering 22 countries. With 600,000 companies listed in this Public Beta Release, the database will grow to contain details of over 1 million Asian manufacturers, exporters, importers and service companies by the end of the year." The site offers a guide to companies and products, a business guide, country directories, trade shows, a PR news watch, and more.
- AccessAsia (HDEP International, Hawaii, USA)
( Language: English. Description: "Over 850,000 current listings with company name, street address, telephone number and product or service provided. Compiled from 25 reliable business directories. All data verified against source datafor accuracy. Over 100,000 fax numbers. Easy to use - Search by product, company name or location - Find a company without knowing its proper spelling. Trade & economic information for China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Feb. 1997). Note: Commercial site. Access via subscription and password.
- Technobiz Business & Trade
( Language: English. Description: A directory of companies in S'pore.
URL of this page:
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