Country Introduction
- The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative (ECAI) (coordinated at University of California, Berkeley, USA)
( Language: English. Description: Self description: "The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative is a collaborative project, which will combine global mapping, imagery, and texts. ECAI provides scholars and other users with a research resource based on digital technology which can present complex combinations of data from multiple disciplines visually and immediately. [...] The dual mission of the project is to continuously expand the scope of affiliated databases to encompass the many regions and cultures of the world, varied disciplines, and multiple historical periods, while maintaining a high standard of academic research excellence. ECAI is a project developed from and for academic research. [...] It is international in scope and cross-cultural in content. The current group of Affiliate Atlas Groups includes: (1) The Silk Road Atlas; (2) Ancient Palestine Atlas; (3) Euroasian Nomads Atlas; (4) China Atlas; (5) Japan Atlas; (6) Korea Atlas; (7) Circumpolar Atlas; (8) North America (United States and Canada). Other groups being organized include: (1) Mesoamerica Atlas; (2) Austronesia Atlas; (3) Southeast Asia Atlas; (4) India Atlas; and (5) Western Europe Atlas." Added/revised on 28 Sep 1999 (HL)
- Australian Centre of the Asian Spatial Information and Analysis Network (ACASIAN) (Lawrence Crissman, Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD, Australia)
( Language: English. Self description: "An academic and applied research institution specialising in Geographical Information System (GIS) databases for Asia and the former Soviet Union. [...] ACASIAN is eager to explore collaborative relationships with scholars and academic institutions with similar interests." Site contents: (1) Availability and Prices for ACASIAN Data Sets; (2) Griffith University Data Licence Agreements; (3) Information on Centre Activities and Databases; (4) Examples of ACASIAN Spatial Data; (5) Comparisons of ACASIAN and other spatial data; (6) Links to Affiliated and Related Internet Sites. Available data for East Asia include China, Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang, and Taiwan: China GIS Project Spatial Databases; PRC Administrative Divisions; PRC Administrative Capitals; PRC Cities and Towns; PRC Post Codes; China Transport Routes; China Low Resolution Data for Printable Output; Taiwan Region Spatial Data; China Drainage Basins; China Contour Lines; Land-use Map of China Spatial Data Bases; Commercial MapInfo Data for China. Note: Data are available against payment, academic discounts of 50% are available. Resource suggested the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (15 Mar 1999) by Lawrence Crissman ( Added 16 Aug 2000, revised 17 Aug 2000 (HL)
AsiaSource (Asia Society, New York, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "An online resource developed by the Asia Society to meet the need for timely, reliable, unbiased information and assistance regarding the cultural, economic, social, historical, and political dimensions of Asia. With a worldwide events calendar, a glossary of terms, annotated links and opinion pieces, news services, country profiles, special features, and much more." Description: T.M. Ciolek (Asian Studies WWW VL): "An exquisite resource, which in addition to publishing its own unique and valuable materials, unmistakeably aims to supersede (i.e. to 'crowd-out', as distinct from 'complement', or 'collaborate with') the many tens of other online resources on Asia. In short, a digital Napoleon in the early 1812." Site contents: (1) AsiaToday (latest news stories); (2) AsiaEvents (worldwide calendar); (3) AsiaViews (articles & speeches); (4) AsiaLinks (related links); (5) AsiaExperts (specialists database); (6) AsiaProfiles (maps & statistics); (7) AsiaReference (glossary of terms); (8) AsiaSearch (search the web); (9) AsiaBulletin (email updates). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (30 Aug 1999) by Hylton Jolliffe ( Added/revised on 30 Sep 1999 (HL)
- China in Brief (中國互聯網新聞中心 China Internet Information Center, PR China)
( Language: English. Description: This site offers the official view on the following topics: (1) Land & Resources; (2) Administrative Divisions; (3) History; (4) Population & Ethnic Groups; (5) Political System; (6) Structure of the State; (7) Political Parties & Social Organizations; (8) Foreign Policy; (9) Economic Development & Economic Structural Reform; (10) Opening to the Outside World; (11) Industry; (12) Agriculture; (13) Transport, Communications, Post & Telecommunications; (14) Foreign Economic Relations & Trade; (15) Tourism; (16) People's Lives; (17) Education; (18) Science & Technology; (19) Sports; (20) Culture; (21) Literature & Art. Last revised 11 Dec 2002 (JH).
- (
中國网 (中國互聯網新聞中心 China Internet Information Center, PR China)
( Language: Chinese (GB), English. Description: Site contents: (1) Land and Resources; (2) Administrative Divisions; (3) History; (4) Population and Ethnic Groups; (5) Political System; (6) Structure of the State; (7) Political Parties and Social Organizations; (8) Foreign Policy; (9) Economic Development and Economic Structural Reform; (10) Opening to the Outside World; (11) Industrial Progress/Iron and Steel; (12) Agriculture; (13) Transport, Communications, Post and Telecommunications; (14) Foreign Economic Relations and Trade; (15) Tourism; (16) People's Lives; (17) Education; (18) Science and Technology; (19) Sports; (20) Culture; (21) Literature and Art; (22) Appendixes (I. Entry and Exit Formalities; II. The Renminbi and exchange of Foreign Currencies; III. Major Travel Services in Beijing; IV. Five-Star Hotels in Beijing; VI. Investing in China; VII. Procedures for Applying to Study in China). Note: There also exists an English version at Added/revised on 19 Nov 1998 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
Country Briefings: China (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A must visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) China home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces (Government bodies; Main political fitures; etc.) ; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
- China Army Area Handbook (University of Missouri - St. Louis, USA)
(gopher:// Language: English. Description: An excellent source on the PR China! Table of contents: Chronology Of Chinese Dynasties; Economic Indicators, Selected Years 1952-86; Country Profile; Historical Setting; Physical Environment And Population; The Social System; Education And Culture; Economic Context; Agriculture; Party And Government; Trade And Transportation; Science And Technology; Party And Government; The Political Process; Foreign Relations; Criminal Justice And Public Security; National Defense. There is also a more convenient WWW version at the University of Maryland.
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - China (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English.
Description: Basic facts on the PR China (Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues); includes map. Added 7 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 11 Dec 2002
LoC Country Study - China (1987) (Library of Congress, USA) ( Language: English. Description: This extensive study was edited by Robert L. Worden, Andrea Matles Savada and Ronald E. Dolan and completed in July 1987. The study is part of the Library of Congress Country Studies. Though not really up to date, this site contains a wealth of material on the following topics: (0) Country Profile; (1) Historical Setting; (2) Physical Environment and Population; (3) The Social System; (4) Education and Culture; (5) Economic Context; (6) Agriculture; (7) Industry; (8) Trade and Transportation; (9) Science and Technology; (10) Party and Government; (11) The Political Process; (12) Foreign Relations; (13) Criminal Justice and Public Security; (14) National Defense; (15) Appendices, Bibliography and Glossary. The site is constructed as a searchable database. Added/revised on 07.04.1998 (HL)
Hong Kong
Country Briefings: Hong Kong (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A good visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Hong Kong home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Hong Kong (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English.
Description: Basic facts are provided on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes map. Added 7 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
- The Republic of China Yearbook
( Language: English. Description: The official publication on all political and social aspects of Taiwan, by the government of the Republic of China. Includes a search facility. Added/revised on 31.07.98
Country Briefings: Taiwan (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A must visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Taiwan home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces (Parties; Main political fitures; etc.) ; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Taiwan (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English.
Description: Basic facts on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes a map. Added 7 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Macau (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English.
Description: Basic facts on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes a map. Added 7 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
Country Briefings: Singapore (The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), The Economist, London, UK) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] articles from The Economist, background profiles, forecast and statistics from The Economist Intelligence Unit, market and currency updates, news headlines and links." Description: A good visit if you need a brief but efficient introduction to the country, its political and economical structure, and who the current power players are. The EIU as driving force behind this site guarantees well informed and timely background information even for the time to come. Site contents: (1) Singapore home; (2) Fact sheet (Population; Land Area; Currency; GDP; Inflation; Background; Political structure; Policy issues; Foreign trade; Taxation); (3) Forecast (Overview; Key changes from last month: political outlook/economic policy outlook/economic forecast); (4) Political forces; (5) Political structure; (6) Economic structure; (7) Economic data (four years); (8) From the Economist (recent articles); (9) Related items. Note: Most of the contents are free, only some special articles require access fee or payed subscription. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (12 Jul 2001) by Gary Price (George Washington University, Washington DC, USA). Added 15 Jul 2001 (HL)
CIA Worldfactbook 2002 - Singapore (Central Intelligence Agency, USA) ( Language: English.
Description: Basic facts on Geography, People, Government, Economy, Communications, Transportation, Military, Transnational Issues; includes a map. Added 7 Apr 1998 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
Singapore - A Country Study (Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, USA) ( Language: English. Description: This extensive study was edited by Barbara Leitch Lepoer in Dec. 1987 and is part of the Library of Congress Country Studies. Though not really up to date, this site contains a wealth of material including tables on: Population Growth, Selected Years, 1824-1988; Population by Ethnic Group and Language, 1980; Singapore Chinese Speech Groups and Their Alternate Names; School Enrollment, Selected Years, 1972-88; Employed Persons Aged Fifteen Years and Over by Sector, 1984-88; Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by Industry, Selected Years, 1978-88; and on other economic statistical data. The table of content includes: (1) Country Profile; (2) Historical Setting; (3) The Society and Its Environment; (4) The Economy; (5) Government and Politics; and (6) National Security. The site is constructed as a searchable database. Added/revised on 06.12.1997
- Singapore
( Language: English. Description: Basic facts and statistical information.
Human Geography
Economic Geography
Can China feed itself? A System for Evaluation of Policy Options (Gerhard K. Heilig, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria) ( Language: English. Self description: "On this Web site we have published results from a 3-year research project on China's food security." Description: A fantastic resource including many excellent tables, charts and maps on topics like Age Groups; Business Skills; Diet Change; Disaster; Floods; Infrastructure; Land; Pollution; Population; Urbanization; Water; and many others (currently some 150 topics listed). All are used to answer the question wether China will be able to feed itself from its own resources of arable land and water in 2025 or 2050 (the conclusion is that "China has enough arable land and water to feed its projected population of 1.48 billion in 2025 - even at currently available levels of agricultural technology"). Site contents: IASA; Title Page; Foreword; Introduction; Arguments; Data; FAQ; In-depth; Summary; Conclusion; Bibliography; Web Links; Index; Help; Thanks; About; Presentation; Order Form; Feedback; What others say. Note: Most data are freely available on-line, only for the in-depth analyses, the more detailed maps, and many of the larger tables and figures the CD-ROM has to be purchased. Resource suggested by Gerhard K. Heilig (, IIASA, Austria. Added/revised on 07 Sep 1999 (HL)
- The People's Republic of China Consumer Attitudes & Lifestyle Trends (Gallup Special Report: 1997 Survey) (The Gallup Organization, Princeton, NJ, USA)
( Language: English. Resource type: Study. Self description: "Gallup Organization's Nationwide Survey of China Finds Impressive Growth In Living Standards, Coupled with Demanding Expectations for the Future Findings. Drawn From A Scientific Survey of Over 3700 Households Across China - Interviewing Conducted in Every Chinese Province, Autonomous Region, and Municipality." Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (13 Oct 1999) by Richard Jensen ( Added/revised on 13 Oct 1999 (HL)
- The Statistics of China (China Data Center, University of Michigan, USA)
( Language: English. Description: This site is a very excellent source on Chinese statistics, based on the resources of the China National Statistical Bureau. Their is information on (1) Land and Resources, (2) Population, (3) Economy Indicators of Nation, (4) Economy Indicators of Regions, (5) Agriculture, (6) Manufacturing Industry, (7) Domestic Commerce, (8) Foreign Trade and Investment, (9) Finance and Taxation, (10) Energy, (11) Transportation and Communication, (12) Investment, Construction and City, (13) Science and Technology, (14) Mass Media and Culture and (15) Education, Public Health and Welfare. Added/revised on 05 Jul 1999 (HL)
 China Dimensions ( Language: English. Description: Provided by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), USA, this site "offers access to a unique data collection that has been designed to facilitate a wide range of natural science and socioeconomic research and educational activities. [...] You will find a variety of socioeconomic data in this site, including Geographic Information System (GIS) databases that cover the administrative regions of China, presented at a scale of 1:1,000,000. These databases may be integrated with agricultural, land use, environmental, and socioeconomic data to track China's economic growth, population increases, and environmental change" (self description). Site includes: (1) Administrative Regions; (2) Fundamental Maps; (3) Population and Public Health; (4) Economics; (5) Public Policies; (6) Additional China Data. Added/revised on 03.12.1998 (HL)
Asia and the Pacific in Figures 2000 (Statistics Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok, Thailand) ( Language: English. Self description: "This is the electronic version of [...] the 2000 edition of Asia-Pacific in Figures [... published by the] ESCAP secretariat. [...] Data are available for all 57 regional members and associate members of ESCAP. They were posted on 13 June 2001." Site contents: China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore, and other Asian Pacific members of ESCAP. Statistical data include: (1) Population Statistics; (2) Social Statistics; (3) Employment; (4) Energy; (5) National Accounts; (6) External Trade; (7) Government Finance; (8) International Finance; (9) Production; (10) Price - Index Numbers; (11) Land Use; (12) Transport; (13) Tourism. Note: Data available as HTML and MS Excel files. Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (01 Nov 2001) by T. Matthew Ciolek (Australian National University, Australia). Added 02 Nov 2001 (HL)
Can China feed itself? A System for Evaluation of Policy Options (Gerhard K. Heilig, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria) ( Language: English. Description: Excellent tables, charts and maps on topics like Age Groups; Business Skills; Diet Change; Disaster; Floods; Infrastructure; Land; Pollution; Population; Urbanization; Water; and many others (currently some 150 topics listed). Cf. entry above. Resource suggested by Gerhard K. Heilig (, IIASA, Austria. Added/revised on 07 Sep 1999 (HL)
Urban China Research Network (University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "Established in 1999, the Urban China Research Network is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional network of scholars conducting and supporting research on urbanization in contemporary China. A joint venture between the Lewis Mumford Center and the Center for Social and Demographic Analysis (CSDA), this Network is a virtual research center based in Albany, and extended internationally. Its purpose is to strengthen contacts and collaboration among international scholars with interests in urban China. [...] The Urban China Research Network is developing an archive of [digitized] maps of China's major cities. [...] For two cities, Shanghai and Tianjin, it will also provide a link to downloadable GIS maps and information at the subdistrict level. We intend to extend this data archive to all major cities, one at a time, and we welcome offers of assistance for any city." Site contents: (1) About us; (2) Research Activities (Spatial restructuring, urban planning and politics; Urban Transformation in China and Reorganization of the State in an Era of Globalization); (3) Data & Maps (Shanghai subdistrict map, 1990; Tianjin subdistrict map, 1990; China Map Page; Shanghai/Tianjin survey data, 1993); (4) Small Grant Program; (5) Links (China Research Centers; News and Announcements; Book and Journal Reviews). Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (09 Aug 2001) by John Logan, Urban China Research Network, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, USA. Added 14 Aug 2001 (HL)
- Singapore Statistics (NCB, Singapore)
( Language: English. Description: Contents: Department of Statistics, Press Releases on S'pore Economy, Singapore Business Directory, Statistical Publications, S'pore Key Statistics, Data Dissemination Standards, International Stats Navigator, What's New.
Physical Geography
- Asian Environmental Review
( Language: English. Description: "Asia Environmental Review (ASER) is a monthly publication and information service dedicated to the environmental issue and associated markets of the Asia Pacific region. [...] Our WWW site contains condensed headlines and a summary of developments within the environmental markets and policy in Asia, taken each month from the journal."
- Nanjing huanjing kexue yanjiusuo 南京環境科學研究所 (Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, SEPA, Nanjing, China)
( Language: Chinese (GB). Description: Although still under construction, this site includes information on environmental and ecological problems in the PRC (cf. esp. the complete on-line edition of the 所慶二十周年論文集 (Collection of essays in celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Institute)!) and links to other related Web sites. Resource suggested by Carsten Metelmann, Germany. Added 14 Jul 2000 (HL)
国家环境保护总局 = State Environmental Protection Administration of China (SEPA) (SEPA, Beijing, China) ( Language: Chinese (GB); English. Description: Formerly known as "National Environmental Protection Agency (NEPA)", the agency was given ministerial level and its new name in 1998. It is the administrative department in charge of environmental protection directly under the State Council and "primarily responsible for unified supervision and management of nationwide environmental protection according to laws and regulations, the prevention and control of pollution and other public hazards, and the protection and improvement of living environment and the ecological system in order to achieve a sustainable, integrated and sound development of economy and society" (self description). Added 11 Jun 1998 (HL); last revised 20 Mar 2006 (HL)
Professional Association for China's Environment (PACE) ( Language: English. Description: Self description: The "Professional Association for China's Environment (PACE) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, focusing on China's environmental issues. The main objectives of PACE include: (1) to facilitate China-related information dissemination by publishing newsletters, journals and books in the areas of environmental policy, research findings, indicators, and technologies; (2) to foster information exchange and education through organizing conferences, seminars, and workshops; (3) to develop and conduct educational and technical training programs for Chinese policy makers and professionals in the public and private sectors; (4) and to conduct researches on China's environmental problems. [...]As of November 10, 1997, it has 343 members; of which 47% are from universities; 17% from the private sector; 17% from governments or international organizations; 13% from research institutes; and 5% from NGOs. By region, members based in the United States account for 66%; Europe 15%; China 14%. [...]" Site contents: PACE Articles; News; About PACE; China Environmental Reporter; Hot Links; Discussion (includes Bulletin Bord); and others. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Added/revised on 11.06.1998 (HL)
International Fund for China's Environment (IFCE) 國際中國環境基金會 (USA) ( Language: English. Description: Self description: " The mission of the International Fund for China's Environment (IFCE) is to help ensure the protection of the world's environment and its biological diversity by providing assistance to China in resolving its environmental problems." The IFCE is a non-profit organization listing several important names in their advisory board: Lester Brown, President of the Worldwatch Institute; Ren-sheng Chen, Vice Secretary General, China Wildlife Conservation Association; Yong-Xiang Lu, Vice-president of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Geping Qu, Chairman, the Environment Committee, National People Congress; and others. Site contents: (1) China Environment Status (article based on "China Environment White Paper"; no date given); (2) Conservation (some data on endangered species); (3) Projects; (4) Newsletter; (5) Membership; (6) EnviroLink; (7) Statistical Map of China (population of provinces: density and absolute figures; no date of origin or source given); and others. Added/revised on 11.06.1998 (HL)
- ERM China 環境資源管理集團(中國)公司 (ERM (Environmental Resources Management) Group)
( Language: English. Resource type: Corporate info. Description: ERM China is a privately operating joint venture providing environmental, health and safety consulting services in China. The site includes a section with regularly updated topical reports on relevant issues in China such as Water Pricing Reform, Environmental Considerations in China, Hazardous waste, and Air Pollution Emissions and a CDM. (fully downloadable as PDF files). In addition, news, regulations and trends are profiled in the monthly newsletter, the EHS Review. Site contents: (1) About Us; (2) Services; (3) Key Projects; (4) EHS Review (monthly newsletter); (5) Papers (fully downloadable as PDF files!); (6) Contact Us. Resource suggested by Jim Stover (ERM China) ( Added/revised on 01 Oct 1999 (HL)
State of the Environment (SoE) China 1997 (State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), China, and UNEP/GRID-Arendal, Norway) ( Language: English. Description: This site provides facts and figures about the ecologic situation in the PR China. Site contents: Driving Forces; Urban Environment; Water Environment; Biodiversity; Acid Rain; Ozone Layer Depletion; Land Resources; Forest Resources; Evironmental Management. Each of the SoE sections is divided into following areas: Pressure State; Response; Background Information; Other Links. Note: Frames capable browser needed! Information supplied by Lawrence Hislop ( and David Cowhig ( via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Aug. 1998). Added/revised on 29.09.1998 (HL)
China: Environment, Science, Technology & Health Section (US Embassy, Beijing, China) ( Language: English. Description: Some 200 reports on environment, science, technology and health issues, written by the Environment, Science and Technology section of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. Included are some links to related information on the Web and a section on Chinese-language Internet in the PRC. Site contents: (1) Beijing Environment, Science and Health Update (A biweekly newsletter from U.S. Embassy Beijing); (2) Recent Reports; (3) U.S. - China ESTH Cooperation; (4) ESTH Reports (Biotechnology; Energy; Environment; Resources Conservation; Environmental NGOs; Sustainable Development; Health; HIV/AIDS; Infrastructure and Economy; Internet and Computers; Population and Family Planning; Science Policy and Society; (5) Links. Information supplied by David Cowhig, U.S. Embassy, Beijing, China. Added 18 Aug 1998 (HL), last revised 12 Feb 2005 (HL)
 World Bank Desasters: Funding Global Warming in China (*/ Language: English. Description: This article - prepared in 1994 by the Friends of the Earth Global Action Team - criticizes the World Bank's engagement in funding two huge new coal plants in China. Some information are provided on China's dependence on coal and its effects on the environment in and around China. Last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
- China at the Crossroads: Energy, Transportation and the 21st Century (James S. Cannon, INFORM Inc., USA, 1998)
( Language: English (incl. main page), Chinese. Resource type: Report. Self description: "'China at the Crossroads: Energy, Transportation and the 21st Century,' by INFORM's Senior Energy Consultant, James S. Cannon, describes the implications of the vast increase in the number of vehicles on the road in China. Translated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and on file in the library of the Chinese State Environmental Protection Administration, the report is available for free downloading from INFORM's website. The report shows that the explosive vehicle growth under way in China will dramatically increase health threats to Chinese citizens, as well as the risks of ever-fiercer competition for oil and of global climate change." Description: INFORM is a national (USA) non-profit research organization treating problems of the enviroment and sustainable development. Note: The report is a PDF file: Adobe Acrobate Reader (free download) needed. Resource suggested by Loly Garcia, Inform, Inc., USA. Added/revised on 29 Jun 2000 (HL)
- Yangtze Floods and the Environment (US Embassy, Beijing, China)
( Language: English. Description: Self-description: "An August 1998 report [22Kb] from U.S.Embassy Beijing. Summary: Sharp declines in natural reservoirs such as forests and lakes, increased silting of rivers and lakes from the de-treed lands in the Yangtze basin, and steady encroachment on river beds by Chinese farmers have combined to push the flood waters to record levels during Summer 1998. [...] Clashing local economic interests, corruption, and poor coordination and communication combine to make land use planning and enforcement difficult." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Sept. 1998). Information supplied by David Cowhig ( Added/revised on 29.09.1998 (HL)
- Flood Conditions in China - Summer 1998 (Ming L. Pei, China the Beautiful, USA)
( Language: English. Description: A satellite photo of the Yangtse-Valley taken by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA) on August 13, 1998. Also available are photos from August 20 and August 21, 1998. Added/revised on 02.10.1998 (HL)
Civic exchange = 思匯 (Civic Exchange, Hong Kong, China) ( Language: Chinese. Cited description: "Civic Exchange is an independent Hong Kong-based public policy think tank that was established in September 2000. [...] Its mission is to: (1) Promote civic education amongst members of the community and for such purpose to conduct research and publicise the results so as to provide objective and balanced information to the public concerning economic, social and environmental issues; and (2) Undertake research on development of economic, social and political policies and practices to help shape the breadth and depth of public policy debate and so to provide well-founded and reasoned argument on the issues identified above." Description: Among others, Civic Exchanges publishes books and freely accessible research papers on various political, economical, environmental and social issues in Hong Kong and China. Contents: (1) Events; (2) Publications (papers and reports on: Civic Participation and Social Development; Environment and Conservation; Integration of Economic Analysis; Interns Publications); (3) Bookstore (Civic Exchange book publications); (4) Internship Programme; (5) Volunteering; (6) Useful Links. Resource suggested by Rudolf Wagner, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. Added 17 Dec 2006 (HL)
Zoomables Maps
- Earth View (John Walker; data provided by The Living Earth Inc./Earth Imaging)
( Language: English. Description: Self description: "You can view either a map of the Earth showing the day and night regions at this moment, or view the Earth from the Sun, the Moon, the night side of the Earth, above any location on the planet specified by latitude, longitude and altitude, from a satellite in Earth orbit, or above various cities around the globe." The map is made up of quite detailed satellite photographs and allows you to zoom in and out above any place you like (just click on the map). You can choose between the following displays: Living Earth (physical map; default); Topo map; Clouds; IR clouds; Colour weather. Added/revised on 02.10.1998 (HL)
- Taiwan Map (Tung Nan Junior College of Technology, R.O.C.)
( Language: English and Chinese. Description: The site offers a map of Taiwan where 23 - mainly coastal - areas can be enlarged. Added/revised on 05 Jul 1999 (HL)
Special Topics
Zhongguo gu ditu 中國古地圖 Chinese Ancient Maps (Geography Dept., HK Baptist University, Hong Kong, PR China) ( Language: Chinese (GB). Description: Scanned images of 54 ancient maps from China, available as thumbnail and jpeg (no further enlarging possible). For each map name and era is given. Site contents: 战国至唐朝 Warring States (475 B.C.-221 B.C.) to Tang Dynasty (618-907) (10 maps); 五代至元朝 Five Dynasties (907-960) to Yuan Dynasty (1271-1386) (20 maps); 明朝 Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) (14 maps); 清朝 Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) (10 maps). Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (10 Dec 1999) by Merrick Lex Berman ( Added 18 Dec 1999 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
Jingban tianwen quantu 京板天文全圖: Capital Edition Of A Complete Map (Of The World Based On) Astronomy (Richard J. Smith, Electronic Text Center for the Asian Studies, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA) ( Language: English. Supplied note: "Those [...] interested in traditional Chinese cartography may wish to take a look at a tripartite map of 'the world' (with several paragraphs of explanatory material in English), which we have recently made available on-line at Rice University. [...] The original three-part map is in the Woodson Research Center of Rice Univesity's Fondren Library." Description: "A digitized historical map 'Jingban Tianwen Quantu' by Ma Junliang [18th c.], with information on the Qing dynasty administrative boundaries of China, her cities, mountain ranges, overland travel routes, river systems, lakes, coastal communications, deserts, as well as other prominent landmarks. To benefit from site one needs a Java-enabled Web browser on a speedy computer and have a really fast network connection" (T.M. Ciolek, WWW Asian Studies Monitor). Note: Java-enabled Web browser needed! Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (07 May 2001) by Richard J. Smith, Electronic Text Center for the Asian Studies, Rice University, Houston, TX, USA. Added 11 May 2001 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
Maps of Shanghai (Institut d'Asie Orientale, Lyon, France) ( Language: French; introduction also available in English. Self description: "The Institute of East Asian Studies has collected a large number of maps of Shanghai in the course of a research project on the history of this large metropolis in the 19th-20th centuries. [...] This collection includes original maps, photographic reproductions, slides and even Xerox copies. Altogether, a hundred maps are deposited in the map collection of the institute. Since Shanghai maps are scattered among many collections all over the world, we hope to provide an overview of available maps through this database. Whenever available, the current location of each original is indicated. The collection presented on this site is not meant to be complete. [...] We also provide an inventory of Shanghai maps we have identified in the collections we visited in China, France, the United States and Great Britain." Description: This extremely useful database is part of the IAO-Databases project. The maps include basic metadata and are searchable according to the following criteria: title; date; subject; place of publication; editor; location of the original. Added 02 Jun 2002 (HL)
Tales of Old Shanghai - Map Room (SinoMedia, Shanghai, China) ( Language: English. Description: Maps of Shanghai, Hong Kong, Macau, and various other port cities dating back to the 16th century. Information supplied by Thomas Hahn, Heidelberg University, Germany. Added 1 Oct 1998 (HL), last revised 18 Dec 2002 (JH).
600 Years of Urban Planning and Development In and Around Tianjin, 1404-2004 (Wason Collection on East Asia, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "[...] With the largest body of foreign architecture preserved on Chinese soil today, Tianjin represents a text book case regarding the political dimensions of colonial architecture, urban planning and the socio-economic relations between the East and the West. It was home to important historical figures, such as the last emperor of China (Pu Yi), or former President Herbert Hoover, who was stationed in Tianjin (together with the future First Lady) as an army engineer in 1899/1900; or the famous scholar Liang Qichao. [...] The exhibit aims to show how Tianjin developed as a colonial, urban "collage city" of very diverse style and orientation; how the various parts and pieces (nine tenth of them of foreign extraction) defined themselves architecturally and socially; and how the parts constituted a functioning whole which dominated most of the economic and cultural landscape of Northern China for almost 100 years." Site contents: (1) Chinese Architecture; (2) Foreign Architecture; (3) Historical Background; (4) City Maps; (5) Commerce, Industries, and Finance; (6) Noteworthy People (Liang Qichao; Zhou Enlai; Pu Yi; Lord Elgin; Li Hongzhang; Eric Henry Liddell; John Hersey; Ma Sanli; Hongyi fashi (Li Shutong); Ni Ren Zhang (i.e. Zhang Mingshan); Yuan Shikai; Li Yuanhong; Cao Yu; Zhang Xueliang; Zhang Xiangwen; Herbert Hoover); (7) Expatriates. Resource posted by Thomas H. Hahn to H-Asia list on 11 Apr 2004. Added 23 Jan 2005 (HL)
- Maps of Silkroad (Ming L. Pei, China the Beautiful, USA)
( Language: English. Description: Shows the routes of the Silkroad on different maps. Information supplied by Thomas Hahn, Heidelberg University, Germany. Added/revised on 02.10.1998 (HL)
Silk Road Seattle (Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA) ( Language: Enlgish. Self description: "Silk Road Seattle is an ongoing public education project using the "Silk Road" theme to explore cultural interaction across Eurasia from the beginning of the Common Era (A. D.) to the Seventeenth Century. Our principal goal is to provide via the Internet materials for learning and teaching about the Silk Road. Much is available here already: historical texts, well illustrated web pages on historic cities and architecture and on traditional culture of the Central Asian nomads, extensive annotated bibliographies of resources, an electronic atlas, and a stunning virtual art exhibit drawing on museum collections from around the world. [...]" Description: An extensively annotated resource collection on cultures and history of the Silk Road. Site contents: (1) Virtual Art Exhibit (Cultures; Trade; Religions; Intercultural Change); (2) Museum Collections (Annotated catalog of links to museum web sites; Featured Museums); (3) Cities and Architecture (Historical and cultural information and, where available, a generous photographic record regarding some of the important Silk Road urban centers and their buildings); (4) Traditional Culture [in Central Asia] (Dwellings; Food; Religion; Animals; Wedding [with video clips]; Oral Epic: The Kojojash); (5) Maps; (6) Historical Texts (full-text, transl. into English); (7) Teaching/Learning Guides (Surveys; Chronologies; Reference; Maps; Specific Topics; Curriculum Materials; Videos and CD-ROMs; Web Links not included in the above; Introduction); (8) Events Archive; (9) Buddhist MSS Project (British Library/University of Washington Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project); (10) Seattle-based Resources; (11) The Simpson Center; (12) The Silkroad Foundation; (13) Contact Information; (14) Copyright Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (29 Sep 2004) by Daniel C. Waugh, Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA. Added 30 Oct 2004 (HL)
South Central China and Tibet: Hotspot of Diversity - Map and Gazetteer (The Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "Joseph Rock traced his travels for the Arboretum's 1924-1927 expedition in a colorful, hand-drawn map entitled 'Ch'ing-Hai upper Yellow River expedition.' The pen-and-ink drawing was made on ten sheets that when joined form a single, irregularly-shaped map, approximately six by eight feet in size. [...] A gazetteer that references the map and the index is now available as a searchable database." Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (17 Apr 2005) by Dan Martin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. Added 29 May 2005 (HL)
Urban China Research Network (University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "Established in 1999, the Urban China Research Network is a multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional network of scholars conducting and supporting research on urbanization in contemporary China. A joint venture between the Lewis Mumford Center and the Center for Social and Demographic Analysis (CSDA), this Network is a virtual research center based in Albany, and extended internationally. Its purpose is to strengthen contacts and collaboration among international scholars with interests in urban China. [...] The Urban China Research Network is developing an archive of [digitized] maps of China's major cities. [...] For two cities, Shanghai and Tianjin, it will also provide a link to downloadable GIS maps and information at the subdistrict level. We intend to extend this data archive to all major cities, one at a time, and we welcome offers of assistance for any city." Site contents: (1) About us; (2) Research Activities (Spatial restructuring, urban planning and politics; Urban Transformation in China and Reorganization of the State in an Era of Globalization); (3) Data & Maps (Shanghai subdistrict map, 1990; Tianjin subdistrict map, 1990; China Map Page; Shanghai/Tianjin survey data, 1993); (4) Small Grant Program; (5) Links (China Research Centers; News and Announcements; Book and Journal Reviews). Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (09 Aug 2001) by John Logan, Urban China Research Network, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, USA. Added 14 Aug 2001 (HL)
Map Collections
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection (David Rumsey Collection, San Francisco, CA, USA) ( Language: English. Self description: "The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection focuses on rare 18th and 19th century North and South America cartographic history materials. Historic maps of the World, Europe, Asia and Africa are also represented. The collection categories include old and antique atlas, globe, school geography, maritime chart, state, county, city, pocket, wall, children and manuscript maps." Description: As of Feb 2002, the collection contains some 6500 maps. The collection can be searched by country, state, publication author, keywords, or any other data field from the metadata records. Maps are presented in various resolutions, depending on how far you zoom in. Each map is accompanied by a set of metadata including bibliographical information as well as very knowledgable descriptions of each item. A quick search on China found 14 maps (oldest: 1747, most recent: 1922), all from Western origin. Additional maps are available on: China/Burma; China/India; China/Japan; China/Kazakhstan; China/Korea; China/Mongolia; China/Taiwan; China/Thailand (one to several maps each). Facit: A highly professional site managed by a team of experienced map bibliographers. Note: The site offers access via Insight" Browser for standard Web browsers such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. For professional functionality additional software (Insight" Java Client) can be downloaded freely. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (18 Feb 2002) by Phil Hoehn, David Rumsey Collection, San Francisco, CA, USA. Added 23 Feb 2002 (HL)
China Historical GIS (Geographic Information System) (CHGIS) (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA) ( Language: English, Chinese (GB, Big5). Supplied note: "The CHGIS project has been established under the aegis of the Harvard-Yenching Institute and Harvard University with a three-year grant from the Henry Luce Foundation. The CHGIS will establish a standardized coding system to identify historical administrative units and settlements for different periods in Chinese History. It will provide a base GIS platform for spatial analysis, temporal statistical modeling, and representation of selected historical units as digital maps. The project [which builds on the work of the late Robert M. Hartwell - T.M. Ciolek] intends to make the multi-lingual base GIS available to the scholarly community at no charge through download sites throughout the world. The participating institutions are: Center for Historical Geography, Fudan University (Shanghai) Computing Sciences Center, Academia Sinica (Taipei) Australian Centre for Asian Spatial Data and Information Analysis Network, Griffith University (Brisbane), Harvard University (Cambridge)." Description: T.M. Ciolek: "Site est. 20 Dec 2000. Close involvement of Peter K. Bol, Lawrence Crissman, C.C. Hsieh, and Merrick Lex Berman augurs well for the success of the Project. Definitely a site to be watched." Site contents: (1) Introduction; (2) Web maps (CHGIS 1820, Qing Dynasty; CHGIS 1990, Chinese Counties; Hartwell Historical GIS; China Weather Maps - Falling Rain Genomics); (3) Data sets (China Historical GIS; DCW China GIS shapefiles; Hartwell China History Project GIS; G. William Skinner, Qing Macroregional GIS; China in Time and Space - CITAS; Other Datasets: population, geocoding, placenames); (4) Members; (5) Meetings; (6) Tools; (7) Search. Resource suggested via the Asian Studies WWW Monitor (21 Dec 2000) by Merrick Berman ( Added 29 Dec 2000, last revised 16 Aug 2002 (HL)
History and Commercial Atlas of China = 中国历史地图册 (Wenhu shihai 文湖诗海 (Chinese Literature Community), Minnesota, USA) ( Language: English, Chinese (GB). Description: Originally published as: Historical and commercial atlas of China / by Albert Herrmann. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1935. This site provides only scanned images of the maps, without the original bibliographical references or index. Site contents: Fifty-nine digitised maps in all (about 170KB each): (1) Physical Geography with the Boundaries of Ancient China; (2) Prehistoric Sites in China; (3) The Beginnings of Ancient China, 1900-1300 B.C.; (4) China at the End of the Shang or Yin Dynasty. ca.1110 B.C. (Inset - The Geography of the Yu-kung according to the Confucian Tradition); (5) Original Centre of Ancient China; (6) The Chou Dynasty, 11th-9th Centuries B.C.; (7) Chun-ch'iu Period, 722-482 B.C. (Insets - The Nine Provinces - The Home of Confucius); (8) The Contending States - Boundaries of 350 B.C.; (9) The Hsiung-nu or Huns in Central Asia, 176 and 128-36 B.C.; (10) The Ts'in Dynasty, 255-206 B.C.; (11) Economic Development under the Earlier Han Dynasty, ca. 100 B.C.; (12) Lo-yang and Ch'ang-an, Ancient and Modern; (13) China under the Earlier and Later Han Dynasties, 206 B.C.-220 A.D.; (14) China in Central Asia, 114 B.C.-127 A.D. (Inset - Ancient Frontier Line near Tun-huang); (15) The Three Kingdoms, 220-265/280 A.D.; (16) Asia, ca. 610 A.D.; (17) The Western Tsin Dynasty, 265-316 A.D. (Insets - The Western Region-The Ruins of Lou-lan); (18) The Sixteen States and the Empire of ther Eastern Tsin Dynasty, 317-420 A.D.; (19) Eastern, Central and Southern Asia, ca. 440 A.D.; (20) The Southern Ch'i and the Northern Wei Dynasties - Boundaries of 500 A.D.; (21) The Divisions of China, 535-560 A.D.; (22) Asia, ca. 610 A.D.; (22) The Sui Dynasty, 581-618 A.D.; (23) China in Central Asia, 660 A.D. (Inset - The Ruins of Kucha); (24) Asia, ca. 750 A.D.; (25) The T'ang Dynasty, 618-906 A.D. - Boundaries of 700 A.D.; (26) The Five Dynasties, 907-960 A.D.; (27) The Sung, Liao and Chin Dynasties, 960-1280 A.D. (Inset - The Delta of the Yangtse); (28) Manchuria and Mongolia under the Liao (Kitan) Dynasty, 937-1125 A.D.; (29) Foreign Religions in Central Asia and China up to the 14th Century A.D.; (30) Eastern, Central and Southern Asia, 1141 A.D. (Inset - The Ruins near Turfan - The Ruins of Hui-ning); (31) K'ai-feng and Hang-chou, Ancient and Modern; (32) Beginnings of the Mongol Empire - Boundaries of 1234 A.D.; (33) Asia under the Mongols, 1290 A.D. (Inset - The Ruins of Karakorum - The Ruins of Shang-tu); (34) The Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty, 1280-1368 A.D.; (35) Europe in search of new Routes to India and China, 1486-1616 A.D. (Inset - Toscanelli's Map, 1474 A.D.); (36) Asia during the Ming Dynasty - Boundaries of 1415 A.D. (Inset-The Northwestern Frontier of China); (37) The Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644 A.D. - Boundaries of 1580 A.D.; (38) Peking and Nanking, Ancient and Modern; (39) Eastern, Central and Southern Asia, 1760 A.D. (Inset - The Summer Residence of Jehol); (40) Chinese Turkistan, 1820 A.D.; (41) The Manchu Empire and the European Powers, 1644-1912 A.D.; (42) The Ch'ing (Manchu) Dynasty - Boundaries of 1900 A.D.; (43) Peiping-Tientsin, Kuan-tung, Wei-hai-wei, Kiaochou, Shanghai, Kuang-Chou-wang, Canton-Macao-Hongkong; (44) Wu-han, Tientsin, Nanking-Shanghai, the Plain of Ch'eng-tu, Canton or Fan-yu; (45) The Chinese Republic with Tibet and Mongolia-Political, Racial, and Linguistic (Inset - The Modern Subdivisions of the Mongol Republic); (46) Modern Northwest China - Political; (47) Modern Chinese Turkistan (Hsin-chiang) - Political and Economic; (48) Modern Northeastern China - Political; (49) Modern Manchuria - Political (Inset - Mukden); (50) Modern Manchuria and Mongolia - Economic (Inset - Foreign Trade of Manchuria for 1930); (51) Modern Southeastern China - Political (Inset - Hai-nan); (52) Modern Tibet (Hsi-K'ang and Hsi-tsang) - Political and Economic (Inset - Lhasa); (53) Modern Southwestern China - Political; (54) Modern China - Agriculture and Live Stock; (55) Modern China - Minerals and Mining; (56) Modern China - Industries; (57) Modern China - Traffic and Communications (Inset - Foreign Trade of China proper); (58) Chinese abroad, ca. 1930 A.D. Resource suggested via Asian Studies WWW Monitor (30 Mar 2004) by T. Matthew Ciolek, Australian National University, Australia. Added 07 May 2004 (HL)
ExEAS: Maps (ExEAS - Expanding East Asian Studies, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Annotated list of links to sites with maps on China. Resource suggested via the H-Asia mailinglist (23 Feb 2006) by Heidi Johnson, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. Added 26 Feb 2006 (HL)
 China Dimensions ( Language: English. Description: Provided by the Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), USA, this site "offers access to a unique data collection that has been designed to facilitate a wide range of natural science and socioeconomic research and educational activities. [...] You will find a variety of socioeconomic data in this site, including Geographic Information System (GIS) databases that cover the administrative regions of China, presented at a scale of 1:1,000,000. These databases may be integrated with agricultural, land use, environmental, and socioeconomic data to track China's economic growth, population increases, and environmental change" (self description). Site includes: (1) Administrative Regions; (2) Fundamental Maps; (3) Population and Public Health; (4) Economics; (5) Public Policies; (6) Additional China Data. Added/revised on 03.12.1998 (HL)
Chinese Cultural Studies: Images - Maps (Paul Halsall, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn NY, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Free access to the following maps: (1) The Four Great Old World River Valley Civilizations; (2) Asia b/w; (3) East Asia; (4) China; (5) China - Agricultural Regions; (6) China - Physical Features; (7) China - Modern Population Density; (8) China under Han dynasty; (9) China in the 6th Century CE; (10) Changan Ch'ang-an during the Tang Dynasty; (11) China under Northern Song Dynasty; (12) China under the Northern Song Dynasty; (13) China Under Southern Song Dynasty; (14) The Mongol Empire; (15) China - Under Ming Dynasty; (16) China's Problems in the Late 19th Century; (17) Modern China from the Enclopedia Britannica; (18) Modern China - Political Map b/w; (19) Chinese Dialect Map b/w. Information supplied by Thomas Hahn, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Added/revised on 01.10.1998 (HL)
Maps of Asia (The Perry-Casta¤eda Library Map Collection, University of Texas at Austin, USA) ( Language: English. Description: The maps are mainly produced by the US Central Intelligence Agency. Shaded relief maps are available for China (and parts of it), Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Singapore (and many other Asian states and regions). For some parts there are even political, economic, demographic, and still more maps.
China Maps and Travel Guide (, Hong Kong, China) ( Language: English. Cited description: "We collect, scan, and publish all kinds of China maps and China travel guide to help you plan your next China trip or just learn about China." Description: Provides a number of scanned English language maps of China. Contents: (1) China maps; (2) Provinical maps; (3) City maps; (4) Attractions; (5) Other maps. Resource suggested by Rudolph Wagner, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany. Added 26 Feb 2006 (HL)
Maps of China (Ming L. Pei, China the Beautiful, USA) ( Language: English. Description: Site contents: (1) SEAsia (political); (2) Present-day China (rivers and provincial capitals); (3) Silkroad Maps; (4) Major Rivers; (5) China from Space. Added/revised on 02.10.1998 (HL)
Map Machine - Maps of the World (The National Geographic Society, USA) ( Language: English. Description: "Low resolution online maps of all officially recognised countries of Africa, Asia, Europe, Nth and Sth Americas, Oceania. Downloadable (PC & Mac formats) physical & political maps of the continents. A catalog of other high quality online cartographic resources." (Cited from the Asian Studies WWW Monitor Sept. 1997). Note: ShockWave plug-in required for some features.
- The John C. and Susan L. Huntington Archive - Maps of Asia (Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Related Arts, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA)
( Language: English. Description: Contains a growing number of interesting detailed maps on Buddhist sites as well as 22 very general locator maps. Added/revised on 03.12.1998 (HL)
- Maps (China Forages Project, USA)
( Language: English. Description: Site contents: (1) China geopolitical boundaries; (2) China provincial boundaries; (3) China block relief elevations; (4) Grassland regions of China; (5) Cool season grass regions of China; (6) Low temperature isotherms; (7) High temperature isotherms; (8) Bromus adaptation zones; (9) Bromus species adaptation zones; (10) Dactylis adaptation zones; (11) Festuca adaptation zones; (12) Festuca species adaptation zones; (13) Lolium adaptation zones. Information supplied by Thomas Hahn, University of Heidelberg, Germany. Added/revised on 01.10.1998 (HL)
- Tibetan Studies - Maps and Images of Tibet (T.Matthew Ciolek, Canberra, Australia)
( Language: English. Description: Part of the Asian Studies WWW Virtual Library and of the Tibetan Studies WWW Virtual Library this page is a central access point to online maps and graphics depicting Tibet and Tibetan culture. Maps are arranged to the following topics: (1) Tibet in relation to the rest of the world; (2)Tibet and the surrounding regions; (3) Regions and Towns in Tibet; (4) Maps of Tibet and Qinghai. Added/revised on 13.02.1999 (HL)
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