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   作者:使密司       更新时间:2006-4-14






  My love for China by Stephen Smith

  I am twenty something now;when I was nineteen I attended a Christian meeting where the preacher told us to go to a large map on the wall.We were to ask God which country was to be ours;ours to pray for and maybe even go to.I had grown up in America and had never been to any other country.But as I looked at that huge map covering the wall all I could see was China. It was as if I couldn even look at the other countries if I wanted to. Since that time I have often found my heart lingering over China. For many years I prayed over a globe asking God to reach the Chinese.

  As time went on I went to Bible school and found it difficult to financially be able to come to China. I often wondered how and when I would be able to minister overseas. I have found that over those ten years God was preparing me. I wasn ready to go yet.God had much to do in my heart and life in order to prepare me for full time ministry overseas. It was very difficult to wait and twice I tried to come. But each time God closed the doors, as if to say, not yet”.

  The desire in my heart never waned, and whenever anyone asked me what I wanted to do I told them I wanted to be a missionary in China. One day in the States I met a couple who were living in China but were home for a few months. They told me about their life in China and my heart began to swell. Again, I asked the Lord, then will I be able to go”. It was time. The Lord would answered by opening the doors and in the beginning of 2002 I landed on Chinese soil.

  When I arrived I had no idea what I would be doing. But God has provided for me a perfect ministry, it is better than I could have ever dreamed or imagined. I am so happy inside. I am full of peace and joy. Never have I felt so fulfilled and satisfied in all my life. My ministry in the Lord is a joy. I love China and the Chinese. It is as if everything that has happened before in my life was to prepare me for this very purpose. I desire to give the rest of my life to China. I want to live in China all my days. I am so thankful to God for His great love and mercy.

  Today, I will study Chinese and my prayer is that God will enable me to one day preach in Chinese and be able to read the Chinese Bible. Even this has been a great joy. I am so thankful to God for the wonderful men and women who are giving their lives for the Lord here in China. And I am grateful for my friends and family in America who love and support me. I cry out with David in the ninety seventh Psalm, the Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice”.


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