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 Count Blessings from God
By Michelle Duggar
Compared with the average American family, ours is very unusual. We've great family. My husband, Jim Bob, and I have 14 children. nine boys and five girls,including two sets of twins To us, each child is a joy, a gift from the Lord.

We live in a part of the country where many people share our beliefs -- Springdale, a city of 50,000 in northwest Arkansas. Like many families we know, we home-school our kids. We feel it's the best way to teach our Christian values. Above all, we want to inspire our children to turn their hearts toward God.

Plenty of parents get frazzled with only a couple of children, so people wonder how we can possibly take care of 14. Believe it or not, I don't find it all that difficult. One key is organization. A huge master schedule for all the kids' activities nearly covers a door in our kitchen. I also keep a weekday schedule for each child. Jim Bob doesn't work a typical 9 to 5 job: He's a real-estate investor and is involved in local politics. He served in our state legislature for four years and last year ran unsuccessfully in the U.S. Senate primary. He's busy, but he manages to find time to come home during the day to help out.

Our household runs smoothly because everyone pitches in. Each older child acts as a "buddy" to a younger one. In the morning, the older siblings make sure their younger buddies are changed, washed, and dressed. They watch over them at meals, help them with their schoolwork, and even put them down for naps. The older kids have other chores too, like cleaning the garage and helping prepare meals. We view chores as opportunities to serve the family -- and to serve God.

Our mornings are busy: I nurse the baby, get the kids breakfast, and then we come together for morning prayers. After that, the older kids might do schoolwork or practice the violin or piano. I do chores and try to keep the little ones occupied. In the afternoon, I conduct our school. We work on some subjects as a group, and I also give each child projects appropriate for his or her grade level. Our curriculum emphasizes character -- honesty, integrity, initiative, and responsibility. Our motto is "Joy" -- for Jesus first, others second, yourself last.

We usually all eat dinner together at around 5 p.m. The three oldest plan and prepare evening meals. They like to do that because they get to choose the menus! Our day ends with baths and then Bible study with Daddy. The boys sleep in the master bedroom, and the girls sleep in a room with bunk beds. (Jim Bob and I have a small room, but we're in the process of building a bigger house, so soon we'll all have more space.) Once the kids are in bed, Jim Bob and I have a little time alone together. Our schedule is less hectic on the weekends, with Saturdays for rest and Sundays for worship.
Everyday tasks like grocery shopping are more complicated when you're doing them for 16 people. We spend about $1,500 a month on food. The last time we went shopping, we filled five carts! Our dry pantry is stuffed with 50-pound bags of rice and beans. We've also got two deep freezers and an industrial-size fridge. When fruit goes on sale, we might buy seven bags of apples and five bags of oranges at a time. That fruit could be gone in two or three days.

For the laundry, I have a wonderful friend from church who comes by twice a week to help. We've got two washers, three dryers, and one giant closet where we store clothes for the entire family. When we go out to eat, it takes a couple of hours to get everybody ready. The kids sometimes dress in matching outfits to help us keep track of them -- they've got 10 matching sets. We also feel that dressing alike unifies us. As far as cars, we have a bus that seats 24. For smaller trips, we've got a 15-passenger van. And we also have a mobile home for vacations.

I know people wonder how we are able to support such a large family: For one thing, our real-estate investments have been successful. But we also live modestly -- and debt-free. Like the Bible says, "Let no debt remain outstanding except the continuing debt to love one another." Almost everything we buy is secondhand or from estate sales. I sew a lot of our clothing. We're saving for our children's education, but we figure only some will want to go to college. Others might go into the ministry or learn a trade. I really don't worry about money. God provides amazingly for us. If our children turn toward Him, I believe He will do the same for them. People also ask us what the children think about shouldering so much responsibility. I tell them that this is the only life my children have known. I don't think they resent their workload. The older ones like to be needed and looked up to, and the younger children love their buddies. The little ones always have someone to play with. When the kids fight, I usually encourage them to settle their problems on their own. If they can't, I'll take away the toy they're fighting over for a few days. They get a lot of opportunities to practice sharing and taking turns.

I realize our lifestyle isn't for everyone. Last year, I was pregnant, nursing a child, and looking after 12 more. A lot of people wonder, "How do you manage?" But this is my calling; this is what I love.

When Jim Bob and I got married 19 years ago, we didn't expect to have this many children: I'm the youngest of seven; my husband is one of two. But now, we think it's possible that we'll have even more. As far as we're concerned, that would be wonderful. We really desire to receive as many gifts as the Lord wants to give us.

谈到洗衣服,教会里与我关系很好的一个姐妹,每周来我家两次帮助我洗衣服。我们家有两台洗衣机,三台甩干机,和一个巨型的藏衣柜,我们把全家的衣服都放在里面。当我们出去吃东西时,要花上一两个小时每个人才可以准备好出发。孩子们有时穿戴整齐的装套―― 他们有10套合适的套装。他们相似的穿着使我们有团结在一起的感觉。说到车辆,我们有一辆24座的汽车,还有一辆为我们小型旅游而准备一辆可以承载15人的客货两用车,我们也有渡假用的移动房子。
  我知道别人肯定会希奇我们怎么能够供养这么大的一个家庭。我要告诉大家的是虽然我们的房地产投资成功了,但我们仍过着很朴实的生活,也不欠债。就像圣经所说:“不要亏欠人,要常以为亏欠。” 还有几乎每件用品我们都是买二手的,我们很多的衣服都补过了,这样我们可以为孩子的教育节省,但我们猜想只有一些孩子想上大学,别的孩子可能去从事宣教的的工作或学一门手艺。我真的不为钱担心,神给我们有奇妙的供应。如果我们的孩子寻求他,我相信他会同样的供应他们。有人也问我们,孩子们要负担这么多责任,他们会怎么想?我告诉他们这就是我的孩子们所学习到的最佳生活方式。我不认为孩子们对他们的工作量不满。因为大点的孩子都喜欢被小的孩子需要和重视,小一点的孩子也爱他们的。小的孩子总是要有人和他们一起玩。当孩子们争吵的时候,我通常鼓励他们自己解决问题,如果他们解决不了,我就把他们争的玩具收起来,等过几天再给他们玩。这样他们有很多的机会学习互相分享和轮流享有。




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